About Troop 495

Read about our adventures in the Bay Times.

Troop 495 is located in Chester, Maryland, and is the oldest troop on Kent Island (est. 1963). Our Troop is chartered by the Rotary of Kent Island and is part of the Choptank District of the Del-Mar-Va Council.  We have an active outdoor program with at least one major outdoor activity scheduled every month. We schedule summer camp every summer.  Summer camp is open to all boys and offers activities for all levels and ages. We cycle through a number of camps in and out of Delmarva Council to provide variety for our Scouts.

We also have an all-female trooping meeting at the Fire House at the same time, so if your daughter or granddaughter is interested in joining scouts and becoming an Eagle Scout, please get in touch! 

We welcome new Scouts at any time, whether you're crossing over from Cub Scouts or have no previous Scouting experience.  Youth can join Scouts BSA if they are at least 10 years old, currently in the fifth grade and register on or after March 1st; OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, OR are age 11 but have not reached age 18.

For more information about Troop 495, please contact our New Member Coordinator: kentislandboyscouts495@gmail.com 

We're proud of the many Troop 495 Scouts that have attained Scouting's highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout. Troop 495 has had over 50 Scouts attain the rank of Eagle, since the troop started in the 1960's.

Please visit our social media sites to see recent updates:  Facebook   Twitter   Instagram